BC Girls High Performance Seminar - Complete

July 28, 2020

This event was a HOMERUN and was sooo much fun too...!! 

Sienna loved this.  I loved this.  I caught the very beginning when I helped her setup the Zoom call, then left to coach my son’s team at a batting cage session.  I came back 2+ hours later and she is still glued to the chair.  Fast forward another 2+ hours.  She was captivated.  The stories.  The struggles.  The success stories.   This was awesome.   I asked her numerous times since 8:30 if she was ready for bed.  Just a few more minutes she replied each time. 

For me, one challenge is that there are so few girl baseball players.  Especially when we get to top age (10-12) of little league.  So Sienna seeing this was epic.  Knowing that her struggles were your struggles.  I think what you are doing is amazing.  The camp was also great.  It isn’t just energy and love of the game you bring, but the positive energy and so much encouragement.    

Liz, you have an approach which definitely helps put the players at ease.  You are easy-going, but fiercely competitive.  I saw how much fun the girls were having with you at camp, and I know that will make them want to come back.

I know there are more accolades I could to provide.   Their contribution and support was very appreciated and incredibly valuable.  All I can say is keep on doing what you are doing.  And thank-you.




For Recording Click Here https://www.youtube.com/user/BaseballBCtv 


Empowering females, striking-out stereotypes and advancing bases towards the first woman player in Major League Baseball.  (Much of the value will be transferable to any sport & even into how we live our daily lives...!)

Listen to B.C.'s Finest Athletes & Personalities Discuss their Experiences & Learn what it takes to be a Winner...!

Reporter, Baseball Development & Special Projects at MLB, Alexis Brudnicki will MC & Host the following Sensational Speakers:

Leah Pells - Resilient

  • Represented Canada in the Olympics from 1992-2000, was once ranked #1 in the world in the 1500m and is a Silver Medalist in the 1999 Pan American Games.  

Chris Pritchett - Recruitment

  • Former MLB California Angel & Philadelphia Phillie, and is the current Head Coach of the UBC Baseball Program

Aaron Myette - Pathways

  • MLB 1st Round Pick & MLB Alumni, and is the current Head Coach of Baseball Canada Women's National Team

Cavanagh Whitely - Leadership

  • Coached College Baseball Program for 10 years & Awarded Baseball Canada's Elite Coach of the Year in 2018.  Professor at Douglas College.

Khyl Orser - Misconceptions of Training

  • Registered Strength & Conditioning Coach who trains the elitist athletes

Dr. Amanda Asay & Marika Lyszczyk - Adversity

  • Amanda is a Team Canada Player who competed in 7 World Cups (National Leader Award in 2019, Canadian MVP & World Cup All-Star in 2006 & 2016).  Won Silver in the 2015 Pan American Games. Played in Australia. Played NCAA hockey & softball. Graduated with PhD & is currently working in forestry.
  • Marika is the First Female Position Player in NCAA Baseball History and Play's for Team Canada

And Yes, there will be a Hot Stove with all BC's Team Canada Players: Dr. Amanda Asay, Claire Eccles, Stacy Fournier, Liz Gilder, Allison Schroder, Marika Lyszczyk, & National Prospect Katie Reyes.


When - August 14 at 5:30 to 10pm

Where - Online Zoom (Link to be provided after registration)

How - Register Below (Now FREE - Thanks to BC Minor, Little League BC & Babe Ruth)




Questions can be directed to:

Scott MacKenzie

Director – Programming, Coach Development, LTAD & Member Services

Manager of Operations – Female Development

Coach – Women’s National Team (2016-2019)


Baseball BC


604-586-3311 (F)




Baseball BC on Twitter


Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD)

What is LTAD?

Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) is a systemic approach developed and adopted by Baseball Canada to maximize a participant's potential and involvement in our sport. The LTAD framework aims to define optimal training, competition and recovery throughout an athlete's career. Enabling everyone to reach their full potential in the game of baseball and as an athlete. 


MLB British Columbians

Tyler O Neil

Current MLB Team: Boston Red Sox
Hometown: Maple Ridge



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